Preparan monumental retrospectiva de The Muffins "Baker's Dozen" incluye 147 tracks en 12 cedés y un DVD Viernes, 28 de Octubre de 2022 La clásica banda estadounidense The Muffins, agendó para el 15 de noviembre, la edición de un box set de 13 discos, que incluye material inédito en estudio y en vivo grabado entre 1975 y 2010, además de un extenso librillo. Bautizazo “Baker’s Dozen”, se trata de una caja de edición limitada a cargo del sello Cuneiform Records, que recopila en 12 cedés todo el material digital que ha lanzado la disquera de manera independiente, además de un DVD de la actuación completa del grupo en el NEARFest 2005. La producción vendrá además con un hermoso libro de 76 páginas con una historia de la banda contada por todos los integrantes, fotos y documentos nunca vistos. The Muffins fue un grupo del área de Washington, D.C. que existió entre 1974 y 1981 y luego, nuevamente con su formación más conocida aún intacta, entre 1993 y 2015. Fueron llamados “la banda progresiva más fina de Estados Unidos” por Fred Frith, quien agregó que “incluso en su forma más complicada, sonaban sin esfuerzo y convincentes”. El conjunto fue además la banda soporte de “Gravity” (1980), el primer disco en solitario de Frith tras la disolución de Henry Cow. Cuneiform agrega que “es muy raro que una banda, a lo largo de su carrera, cree música que continuamente trascienda los límites y transforme el paisaje. Es aún más raro que una banda de este tipo se reúna después de una larga separación y se embarque en una segunda carrera musical que siguió siendo tan innovadora como la primera”. The Muffins, un grupo igualmente influenciado por los sonidos de rock progresivo británico de bandas como Henry Cow, National Health y Soft Machine, así como por artistas contemporáneos de jazz estadounidense y de improvisación como Anthony Braxton, The Art Ensemble of Chicago, Sun Ra y Miles Davis, se formaron en Washington, DC a principios de la década de 1970 y grabaron tres álbumes antes de disolverse en 1981. En 1998, el grupo se reformó y grabó otros seis álbumes. Durante sus dos etapas, la banda actuó en festivales ahora legendarios, como el ZU Festival (Nueva York), el Rock In Opposition Festival (Francia), el Villa Celimontana Jazz Festival (Roma), Sonic Circuits (D.C.) y NEARFest (Bethlehem, PA), entre muchos otros. La disquera remata haciendo ver que The Muffins fue una fuerza enormemente creativa durante ambos períodos, combinando composiciones intensas y con una manera de tocar libre y enérgica, moviéndose sin esfuerzo entre límites y géneros musicales. “Fueron uno de los grandes conjuntos de música contemporánea estadounidense de nuestro tiempo”, concluye el sello. Escucha a continuación, 31 tracks de adelanto que ha liberado Cuneiform y, más abajo, conoce la carátula y los detalles del contenido de “Baker’s Dozen”. Baker's Dozen by The Muffins Disco 1 1. Prelude (Wiser, Newhouse) 2. Phase 1 – Portable Hollow (The Muffins) 3. Interlude 1 (Wiser, Newhouse) 4. Phase 2 – Buzz Aldrin (The Muffins) 5. Interlude 2 (Wiser, Newhouse) 6. Phase 3 – What a Place for a Wart (The Muffins) 7. Brix 8. Three Days That Won’t Soon Fade 9. English (Bass, Prokofiev) 10. Bartok Stockpot (Bass, Bartok) 11. The Return of Uncle Don (The Muffins) 12. Blind Cave Tetra Mike Bass – drums, xylophone, acoustic piano Dave Newhouse – Fender Rhodes, woodwinds, toy horn, voice Tom Scott – saxes, clarinets, flutes, maracas, xylophone, whistling, bell tree, voice Billy Swann – Gibson EB0 electric bass, voice Michael Zentner – guitar, violin, voice Robert Wiser – classical guitar (1, 3, 5) 1, 3, 5 recorded 1975 at the band house, Gaithersburg, MD. 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 recorded July 25, 1975 at The Music Carry-Out, Washington, DC. 9–12 recorded July 1975 at Sounds Reasonable Studios, Washington, DC for live radio broadcast. 1–6 are the tape album Three Improvisations Live at The Music Carry-Out. Disco 2 1. English (Bass, Prokofiev) 2. Teddy Roosevelt (The Muffins) 3. Egress Gnome Odd (Scott, Princiotto, Zentner)/Impromptu Factory 4. Wombat (Newhouse) 5. 1916/Why Pursue It/Captain Tugg Tocatta/Swashbuckler With a Brainblock (Swann, Newhouse) 6. Courtesy of Your Focal Interest Span/Please Do Not Open Dr. Fisher 7. The Manilla Robots/Joe Crop on a Toxic Planet/The Bush 8. Chronometers 9. Crezner Okay Stuart Abramowitz – drums Dave Newhouse – Rhodes, Yamaha organ, woodwinds, toy xylophone, tambourine, voice Tom Scott – saxes, clarinets, flutes, oboe, melodica, xylophone, soprano recorder, bell tree, voice Billy Swann – bass, voice Michael Zentner – guitar, violin, Rhodes, voice 1–4 recorded November 1975 at Paragon Studios, Silver Spring, MD by Brian Rapp. 5 recorded November 14, 1975 at W.A.F.U. Coffee House, Washington, DC by Colleen Scott. 6–8 recorded July 9, 1976 at the University of Maryland – College Park by Collen Scott. 9 recorded as a demo for Michael spring/summer 1976. Disco 3 1. Intro 2. Solemn Music (Frith) 3. President Nixon’s Retirement (The Muffins) 4. 3 Ways Till Sunday 5. Carbons (The Muffins With Over the Edge) (The Muffins, Over The Edge) 6. Expected Freedom (Newhouse, The Muffins) 7. Prince Albert in the Can (The Muffins) 8. Monkey With the Golden Eyes 9. Amelia Earhart (Newhouse, Sears) Dave Newhouse – Rhodes, organ, acoustic piano, woodwinds, pennywhistle, percussion Tom Scott – saxes, clarinets, flutes, oboe, kalimba, double soprano recorders, bell tree Paul Sears – drums, xylophone, steel drum, percussion Billy Swann – fretless Fender Precision bass, Rhodes, organ, acoustic piano, penny whistle, drums, percussion 1, 3, 4, 5 recorded August 13, 1976 at W.A.F.U. Coffee House (Washington Area Free University), Washington, DC by Colleen Scott. 2, 6, 7 recorded October 2, 1976 at American University, Washington, DC by Colleen Scott. 8 recorded at the band house in Autumn 1976, Gaithersburg, MD. 9 recorded at the band house in December 1976, Gaithersburg, MD. Disco 4 1. Intro 2. Expected Freedom (Newhouse, The Muffins) 3. Band of Brothers (The Muffins) 4. Expected Freedom (Newhouse, The Muffins) 5. Not Alone solo 6. Amelia Earhart solo (Swann) 7. Imprimatur (The Muffins) 8. Not Alone 9. Closing Hours (The Muffins) Dave Newhouse – Rhodes, organ, woodwinds, harmonica, tenor recorder, percussion Tom Scott – saxes, clarinets, flutes, oboe, penny whistle, bell tree Paul Sears – drums and percussion Billy Swann – bass, guitar, plastic tube, tenor sax, percussion 1, 2, 5, 6 recorded June 4, 1977 at a backyard summer concert, Gaithersburg, MD. 3 recorded on unknown date in 1977 (most likely) in Washington, DC. 7, 8 recorded on unknown date (circa 1977) at an unknown location. 4, 9 recorded April 1, 1977 at Pipeline Coffee House at the National Cathedral, Washington, DC. All were probably recorded by Colleen Scott. Disco 5 1. Monkey in the Middle (The Muffins) 2. Lady in a Brown Paper Bag 3. Amelia Earhart (Newhouse, Sears) 4. Monkey With the Golden Eyes/Hobart Got Burned 5. The Adventures of Captain Boomerang Dave Newhouse – Rhodes, organ, woodwinds, penny whistle, bicycle horn, tenor recorder, percussion, voice Tom Scott – saxes, clarinets, flutes, oboe, soprano recorder, bell tree, voice Paul Sears – drums and percussion, xylophone, gong, voice Billy Swann – bass, guitar, Rhodes, alto recorder, percussion, whistle, voice 1–5 recorded October 21, 1977 at W.A.F.U. Coffee House, Washington, DC by Colleen Scott. Disco 6 1. Not Alone solo 2. Whistling While We Work (The Muffins) 3. To-ing and Fro-ing (The Muffins) 4. Children and Art (The Muffins) 5. Not Alone 6. Under Dali’s Wing 7. Horsebones (Scott) 8. The Grammy Snap Dave Newhouse – Rhodes, organ, woodwinds, acoustic piano, percussion Tom Scott – saxes, clarinets, flutes, oboe, xylophone, bell tree Paul Sears – drums and percussion, soprano sax Billy Swann – bass, guitar, percussion, whistles Scott Raffell – alto sax, bass clarinet, kalimba (3, 4) Greg Yaskovich – trumpet (3) Fred Frith – guitar (8) 1, 2, 7, 8 recorded December 15, 1978 at the Trinity Theatre, Washington, DC by Colleen Scott. 3, 4 recorded December 31, 1977 at DC Space, Washington, DC. 5 recorded October 21, 1977 at W.A.F.U. Coffeehouse, Washington, DC by Colleen Scott. 6 recorded October 8, 1978 at the Zu Manifestival, New York, NY. Disco 7 1. Under Dali’s Wing (false start) 2. Under Dali’s Wing 3. Horsebones (Scott) 4. Horsebones (Scott) 5. Zoom Resume 6. Boxed and Crossed (Newhouse, Swann) 7. Zoom Resume 8. Bit Hand (The Muffins) 9. Wonder World (The Muffins) 10. Not Alone solo 11. silence 12. Chrestomathy (The Muffins) 13. Through Shawn’s Lens (The Muffins) 14. Father Tongue (The Muffins) 15. Dirty Trousers (Scott) Dave Newhouse – Rhodes, organ, woodwinds, percussion Tom Scott – saxes, clarinets, flutes, bell tree Paul Sears – drums and percussion, soprano sax Billy Swann – bass, guitar, percussion, tenor sax, radio, vocals Steve Feigenbaum – guitar (8) Scott Raffell – alto sax (12–15) 1–8 recorded January 1979 during rehearsal at the band house, Rockville, MD. 9–10 recorded April 14, 1979 at American University, Washington, DC by Colleen Scott. 12–15 recorded May 16, 1980 at W.A.F.U. Coffeehouse, Washington, DC. Disco 8 1. Horsebones (Scott) 2. Under Dali’s Wing 3. Squeaker's Dream (The Muffins) 4. Boxed and Crossed (Newhouse, Swann) 5. Zoom Resume 6. Queenside 7. Angle Dance 8. Antidote to Drydock 9. World Maps 10. Bob the Bat Dave Newhouse – Rhodes, Yamaha organ, woodwinds, acoustic piano Tom Scott – saxes, clarinets, flutes, oboe, bell tree Paul Sears – drums and percussion, soprano sax, xylophone, vocals Billy Swann – bass, guitar, tenor sax, vocals Doug Elliott – trombone (10) Scott Raffell – alto sax (10) 1–2 recorded September 1980 at Track Recorders, Silver Spring, MD by Bill McCullough and are outtakes from <185>. 3–5 recorded March 3, 1979 at The Psyche Delly, Bethesda MD by Colleen Scott. 6 recorded December 1979 at The Washington Ethical Society, Washington, DC. 7, 8, 10 recorded January 29, 1981 at The Washington Ethical Society. 9 is a composite of January 29, 1981 at The Washington Ethical Society recordings, and circa-1981 bandhouse recordings. Disco 9 1. In the Black Room (The Muffins) 2. Ups and Downs (The Muffins) 3. Poetry Drive (The Muffins) 4. North of Muffin Head (The Muffins) 5. She Wears Her Dead Mother’s Hat (C.W. Vrtacek) 6. Talking With the Planets (The Muffins) 7. Down From the Sun Tower/Impossible John 8. Dancing in the Street (Gaye, Hunter, Stevenson) 9. Horny Toads (The Muffins) 10. There Not There (The Muffins) 11. Vocabulario (The Muffins) 12. Hobart Got Burned 13. silence 14. The Highlands (Scott) 15. The Two Georges 16. Breaking The X (The Muffins) Dave Newhouse – Roland RU-20 and Yamaha keyboards, woodwinds Tom Scott – saxes, clarinets, flutes, Casio keyboards, percussion Paul Sears – drums Billy Swann – bass, guitar Mark Gilbert – tenor sax (9) Scott Forrey – trumpet (9) 1–5 recorded 1993/1994 in the Black Room, Washington, DC. 6–7 recorded July 15–16, 1998 at the Merklehaus, Washington, DC. 8–9 recorded July 17, 1999 at Phantasmagoria, Wheaton, MD by Carl Merson. 10,16 recorded summer 2002 in rehearsal, Madison, VA. 11 recorded September 1, 2002 at ProgDay, Chapel Hill, NC by Carl Merson. 12 recorded September 1, 2001 at ProgDay, Chapel Hill, NC by Carl Merson. 14–15 recorded September 14, 2002 at Orion Studios, Baltimore, MD by Mike Potter. Disco 10 1. Walking the Duck 2. These Castle Children 3. World Maps (Newhouse, Scott)/Down From the Suntower/Impossible John/Military Road 4. Under Dali’s Wing 5. Horsebones (Scott) 6. Dear Mona 7. People in the Snow 8. Out of the Boot/Nan True’s Hole (Miller) 9. East of Diamond/The Adventures of Captain Boomerang 10. silence 11. Writing Blind 12. Combo (The Muffins) Dave Newhouse – keyboards, woodwinds, harmonica Tom Scott – saxes, clarinets, flutes, keyboards, programming, percussion Paul Sears – drums Billy Swann – bass, guitar 1–9 recorded July 27, 2001 at The Knitting Factory, New York, NY by Carl Merson. 11 recorded October 2, 2004 at Orion Studios, Baltimore, MD by Mike Potter. 12 recorded in 2002 at Tom’s mom’s house, Madison, VA. Disco 11 1. Intro 2. These Castle Children 3. The Adventures of Captain Boomerang 4. The Ugly Buttling (Scott) 5. Walking the Duck 6. Dear Mona/Impossible John/People in the Snow 7. East of Diamond 8. The Man in the Skin-Painted Suit 9. Childhood’s End (Scott) 10. Stethorus Punctum (Scott) Dave Newhouse – Roland RU-20, Nord Electro 2 and Yamaha keyboards, woodwinds, harmonica Tom Scott – saxes, clarinets, flutes, keyboards, programming, percussion Paul Sears – drums Billy Swann – bass, keyboards with Ena Scott – alto sax Nathan Berry – trumpet Sam Newhouse – alto sax All tracks recorded July 10, 2005 at NEARFest, Bethlehem, PA. Digital multitrack recording: Brett Kull of MM3, West Point, PA Disco 12 1. Intro 2. Exquisite Corpse/Out of the Boot/Sam’s Room 3. Smaller but More Heads (The Muffins) 4. Maya (Scott) 5. Aquatone (The Muffins) 6. Angel From Lebanon 7. Queenside/Antidote to Drydock/Angle Dance 8. Choombachang 9. Amelia Earhart (Newhouse, Sears) 10. Beat 10 (The Muffins)/In the Ghost Light (The Muffins) 11. KGB Dave Newhouse – keyboards, woodwinds Tom Scott – saxes, clarinets, flutes, keyboards, programming, percussion Paul Sears – drums Billy Swann – bass, guitar 1–6 recorded October 2, 2004 at Orion Studios, Baltimore, MD by Mike Potter. 7–11 recorded September 5, 2010 at ProgDay, Chapel Hill, NC by Mike Potter. Disco 13 [NTSC/all-region DVD] 1. Intro 2. These Castle Children 3. The Adventures of Captain Boomerang 4. The Ugly Buttling (Scott) 5. Walking the Duck 6. Dear Mona/Impossible John/People in the Snow 7. East of Diamond 8. The Man in the Skin-Painted Suit 9. Childhood’s End (Scott) 10. Stethorus Punctum (Scott) Dave Newhouse – Roland RU-20, Nord Electro 2 and Yamaha keyboards, woodwinds, harmonica Tom Scott – saxes, clarinets, flutes, keyboards, programming, percussion Paul Sears – drums Billy Swann – bass, keyboards with Ena Scott – alto sax Nathan Berry – trumpet Sam Newhouse – alto sax Tags #The Muffins #Baker's Dozen Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. 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